But why would you?

Whatever happened to class? There used to be a time when whether you were Republican or Democrat, you maintained a sense of decorum. Some sense of respect for the humanity of the other. I saw this picture of Sarah Palin and her husband going to Chic Fil A while here in Houston this past week. They NEVER would have eaten at that dump if she was just here visiting someone on her own. They never would have gone to a fast food restaurant. And they never would have gone to one that would cause so many people to be repulsed and reactivated as this particular visit. This completely demonstrates why she never went any further in politics and why others that operate this way don’t really make the difference they say they are out to make. Sarah Palin had such an opportunity to gracefully and graciously point out the freedom of business to operate as it wishes under whatever principles it chooses. But going there and not being sensitive that it would cause so much hatred and pain is what separates her from the real leaders of this world. I don’t care about her. I’d never vote for her in anything she would ever run in. But I did have respect for her being willing to stand up for what she believed was right. But…and this is a big but…going to such a divisive and potentially further hurtful place in such a personal way is her right. But why would you?


13 thoughts on “But why would you?

  1. Peter says:

    I thought the same thing. Too far. Would she have gone to Jack in the Box, positioned the bags so that the logo was visible and given the thumbs up?…….probably not. FAIL Sarah Palin


  2. John Kagen says:

    Actually its you that fail. Fail to understand Sarah is honest in her religion. What you are asking for his for her not to defend a business that for all their years have been pro-Christian and known for it.

    The only difference is that you now today get to know it as an “insult” due to media-programs and left wing-organizations wanting to spin something that even your great Saviour Obama supported until weeks ago.

    Did you ever feel oh so sorry and a victim, and so unloved and “sniffle, sniffle, sob” when thinking about Obama’s support for traditional marriage?? Never did you think that, you were one of the people celebrating in the streets and nodding when reporters of the lame-stream-media called the unqualified in-experienced Marxist-inspired Obama “godlike” and “transcending” politics.

    So please, if you see yourself a thinking man, why don’t you look in the mirror, stop picking your navel and start looking life straight in the face?!

    Sarah defends Christians being Christian, and defend their right to openly talk about it and EXPECT it to be defended both by left and right (FREE SPEECH).

    Where is your outrage of the mayor of Chicago saying he would stop Chick-Fil-A from having a business there, due to personal opinion? You did not give it another thought is my guess.

    But your biggest mistake is that you forget that “what comes around, goes around”. That is the more PC and “LOVE ALL” you push, the more you set up your own trap for another time when someone in DC that you don’t approve of, will use the same laws and “allowed opinions” that you asked for (and got) against your lefty interests.

    And then where will you be? You approved of it, now go support it.

    John Kagen.
    Gay, Conservative and Christian.


  3. Russell Harris says:

    Hi Downtownharold, I understand why you allowed it, because you are a supporter of free speech. I could come back with a mini book like he has posted, but it would not do any good only more harm. I honestly feel sorry for him. We should all pray for him, all of your friends from the many backgrounds and religious beliefs. That he find his way out of the self hate. That he see’s that these very people, like Mrs. Palin are the ones responsible for these very divisive modern times.


  4. Rick Dickson says:

    John, I am a conservative, ex-military, West Point grad. I understand both sides actually. I hate that chik fil a gives to hate groups; therefore, I don’t eat there. I also understand it is there right to give to anyone they want to. That is what America is all about. Hell, I fought to protect our freedoms for 10 years in the Army knowing they didn’t want there. However, I do think it is our responsibility to stand up to Chik. Not because they are a christian based organization; because they give money to know hate groups like NOM. If you are truly christian, then you know that NOM is not a christian organization. I grew up Southern Baptist and I was never taught hate. It the CEO came out and said he gives all his money to the KKK, this world would go ape shit. This is the same thing, just a different group. I not republican or democrat because I think both sides suck and we need to do away with parties. One other thing, last time I check Obama was a christian also. As a person that thinks he is not the best leader we have ever had, there have been much worse. Just my two cents.


  5. Lisa says:

    John, I have a friend who feels the same way. Or used to. Gay, but very very conservative. Initially, he did NOT support same sex marriage, and I asked him how he could possibly think that. At the time and in his case, I think it was a case of being newly open about his sexuality, and because he was raised with such a strong influence on God and Christianity, he was struggling to find a balance between the two without sacrificing his faith or who he really is. Since then (a few years ago), he has changed his views, and is in support of equality for all, though still remains strong in his faith that God loves him because he is, beneath everything else, a good person with a good heart.
    I don’t know how a person can go through life, open about their alternative lifestyle, and be completely content with having restrictions on their rights and being treated, still, like they’re some kind of blemish on the face of society. Same sex marriage has no bearing on my life, other than how it affects those I love, and yet the injustice of the situation infuriates me. Let’s take a look at females who continue to breed with reckless abandon for the sole purpose of collecting money from the state. Now THAT affects me, and really burns me arse.


  6. bornagaincavegirl says:

    John, I have a friend who feels the same way. Or, he used to. Gay, but very very conservative. Initially, he did NOT support same sex marriage, and I asked him how he could possibly think that. At the time and in his case, I think it was a case of being newly open about his sexuality, and because he was raised with such a strong influence on God and Christianity, he was struggling to find a balance between the two without sacrificing his faith or who he really is. Since then (a few years ago), he has changed his views, and is in support of equality for all, though still remains strong in his faith that God loves him because he is, beneath everything else, a good person with a good heart.
    I don’t know how a person can go through life, open about their alternative lifestyle, and be completely content with having restrictions on their rights and being treated, still, like they’re some kind of blemish on the face of society. Same sex marriage has no bearing on my life, other than how it affects those I love, and yet the injustice of the situation infuriates me. Let’s take a look at females who continue to breed with reckless abandon for the sole purpose of collecting money from the state. Now THAT affects me, and really burns me arse.


  7. Cheryl says:

    One of my high school friends posted a picture on FB the other day — him (he?) and his wife sipping from CFA beverages. I’m pretty hard to offend, most often leaving room for diversity of opinion and the fact that people are people…so I was surprised by my own response to his post.

    My knee-jerk reaction to the image was VISCERAL! My tummy tightened and my face frowned & squished up before I’d even processed what I was seeing. It took a while for my brain to catch up because he was someone I’ve known since 7th grade and it didn’t fit with how I perceive my friends. Why would ANYONE go so far out of their way to offend someone else– just because they are different??!!

    I often coach my business clients to be careful of the negative stuff they post on FB. Even with my preaching and practice on the topic, I started to write a vitriolic response before cooling off. In the end I erased it and clicked ‘unfriend’ for the very first time ever.

    What is the difference between this ‘difference’ and the one held between the Palestinians and Israelis? NOTHING. This is two opinions strongly held by two groups of people –not facts or a truths–but points of view over which PEOPLE DIE.

    Why do we as people make the same mistakes over and over and over again?

    With love —


    • Downtownharold says:

      Cheryl…thank you so much for sharing this. I had the same thoughts when I see “friends” of mine and some of my family posting comments and pictures about this. I haven’t had these kind of feelings since I was in Junior High School…when I’d walk down the hall afraid of who was going to verbally attack me that day. I never knew who was my friend…and who was secretly judging and/or hating me. Turns out…a lot of the people in High School who bullied me are regretful of what they did and are either fat, married and unhappy, bored with their lives and eat at Chic Fil A on a regular basis as their basic diet. So I’m not terribly worried about it. But…I will say…that it hurts like hell…and it stings and makes my heart sink. I never know what I will see these days on Facebook and it terrifies me like walking down that hallway. Thanks for sharing your story. Keep up the good work!


      • Kyle K. says:

        Downtown harold,
        you owe it to yourself, your self respect and the entire gay community to in turn make PRO gay facebook messages, cite pro gay articles, share pro gay stories on your facebook page. Make them see our story, and our people. Don’t let their ignorance silence you, or shun you. Make it motivate you to be louder, bolder, and more inspired to help the gay community and speaking about our issues. Don’t let them off easy by not challenging their brand of ignorance. That fuels homophobia. But education and engaging a conversation and sharing why our rights mean so much to us is what creates change.


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